
Hetapros Teilnahme an der MCE-Messe 2024 in Mailand

Hetapro’s participation in the MCE Mostra Convegno Expocomfort Exhibition in Milan:

Join Hetapro at the 2024 HVAC, Refrigeration, Smart Home, and Bathroom Exhibition (MCE) in Milan, Italy!

📅 Exhibition Time: March 12 – 15, 2024
📍 Exhibition Location: Milan International Exhibition Center, Italy
🛠️ HETA Booth: Hall 14 L62


MCE (Mostra Convegno Expocomfort), established in 1960, stands as a global beacon in the HVAC, Refrigeration, Smart Home, and Bathroom industry. Held biennially, it echoes the renowned Frankfurt Bathroom Show (ISH), remaining a pinnacle event in this sector. Its themes on heating, energy, and refrigeration continue to evolve, attracting leading companies worldwide.

This exhibition draws professionals from installation design, system engineering, architecture, wholesale and retail, import-export, and more. An impressive 90% of visitors wield significant decision-making and purchasing power. For 75% of attendees, MCE serves as the catalyst for procurement decisions, offering a streamlined approach that saves time and expenses while providing unparalleled access to cutting-edge products and technologies. The satisfaction rate among visitors is nearly 80%, making it an irresistible platform for exhibitors.

Here is the official description of MCE:

MCE is the international tradeshow where companies in the HVAC+R, renewable energy, energy efficiency and water world meet new customers and strengthen relationships with those who design, install and build plants and systems for comfort in the industrial, residential and commercial sectors.

MCE is evolution for innovation, a challenge towards efficiency and environmental, economic and social sustainability.



Make sure to visit us at Hall 14, Booth L62, to connect with Hetapro. It’s poised to be an exciting and unforgettable event!

hall14 l62
hall14 l62

Foshan Hetapro HVAC Equipment Co., Ltd


Phone: 86-18676527809


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