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factory story
Devotion Group

Leading Energy Service Provider

Established in 1993, Devotion Group is a comprehensive energy service provider with “heat” as its core focus. The company offers a variety of clean energy products and services, including hot water, heating and cooling, and steam for residential, commercial, and industrial usages using natural gas, electricity and other renewable energy sources. Through years of innovation development, Devotion has become a National Innovative Enterprise, a National High-Tech Enterprise, a Guangdong Province Intellectual Property Demonstration Enterprise, and has been awarded the second prize of National Scientific and Technological Progress. The company was listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in July 2012 (stock abbreviation: Devotion Corporation, stock code: 300335).


With a startup capital of RMB 8,000, Guangzhou Devotion HVAC Co., Ltd. was established.


the industrial boiler manufacturing base was established.


Devotion and Italy's Riello jointly established Devotion Residential Boiler.


Devotion Group was listed on the Main Board of the Singapore Stock Exchange.


Devotion launched a second entrepreneurial focusing on energy operation in industrial steam.


Devotion Corporation was listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.


Devotion Corporation acquired 100% equity of Devotion Industrial, realizing the first step of group resource integration.


Developed steam projects for industrial parks across the country using various energy sources such as biomass, clean coal, natural gas.


Devotion Corporation acquired 100% equity of Devotion Residential, realizing the overall listing of the group's core business.


Devotion Corporation acquired 100% equity of Changzhou Boiler Inc., building a high-end equipment manufacturing base in the Yangtze River Delta.


Devotion Residential fully laid out smart HVAC integration, dedicated to providing healthy, comfortable, and intelligent residential solutions for household users.


Devotion Equipment’s renewable energy business unit expanded its capacity into solar and lithium battery markets.

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